
  1. Learning
    1. Learning How To Learn
  2. Mathematics
    1. Calculus Concentrate - Russ Gordon
    2. Lecture notes by László Lovász
    3. Discrete Math
    4. Multivariable Calculus
    5. Linear Algebra
  3. Machine Learning
    1. FastAI - Practical Deep Learning For Coders Part 1
    2. The Fast Book
    3. Naklecha's RL
    4. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
    5. Decision Making Under Uncertainty
  4. Computer Science
    1. Missing Semester
    2. SICP
    3. From Nand to Tetris Part 1
    4. From Nand to Tetris Part 2
    5. The Algorithm Design Manual
    6. Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
    7. Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
    8. Crafting Interpreters
  5. Finance
    1. Financial Markets
    2. Model Thinking
    3. Economics of Money and Banking
    4. Market Microstructure
  6. Statistics
    1. Statistics 110: Probability
    2. Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability
    3. The Analytics Edge
  7. Genetics
    1. Genetics
    2. Algorithms for DNA Sequencing
    3. Bioinformatics Stronghold
    4. Bioinformatics Armory
  8. Chemistry
    1. CCSF has a good Chemistry program w/ lab
  9. Physics (please e-mail me the best resources)
  10. Mechanical Engineering (please e-mail me the best resources)
  11. Electrical Engineering (please e-mail me the best resources)
  12. Manufacturing (please e-mail me the best resources)